I work out of my home in Durango, Colorado, a lovely little spot. I’ve always been drawn to forests and rivers and I look out over the trees as I speak with you on the phone. It anchors me and reminds me always of what we’re striving for – good, clean, delicious and healthy living water.
I’m one of those fellows making a living working from home by computer and phone (they call us ‘lone eagles’, or lonely eagles. I’m not sure which). I love what I do and I enjoy each day. Talking to people who are in search of healthy living solutions is the highlight of my day. Don’t hesitate to call if you have a genuine interest.
Helping you achieve healthy water builds on years of experience and training. I’ve worked on water quality, developed a watershed plan for the Mackinaw River in Illinois, restored river reaches to natural shapes, restored wetlands and forests, worked to save endangered fish in Utah, worked on identifying the cause of the dying riparian forests in Zion National Park, and professionally as an ecologist for over 30 years. You may see my biography here:
Working to protect native fish and learning what’s killing them led me to realize what we’ve done to our rivers, lakes and drinking water. It’s also made me realize that if you are drinking water from a public system you are poisoning yourself and your family. I document this in my Ultimate Guide and provide the references to prove it!
Water quality is a complex topic and it’s hard, without a tremendous amount of study, to figure out exactly what is best for your family. And many local water equipment salespeople take advantage of this complexity. I have a different perspective from local suppliers because of my experience. What’s different about what I do is that I guide you through a process of discovery in which YOU learn what YOU need so YOU can make the best decision for YOUR family. I’ll implement any choice you make, within certain limits. I’ll starve before I sell you the wrong thing. You have my word on that.
I got into the water purification business so that I could work with people like you who want healthy water for their family. I sell water purification systems to people and businesses nationwide. My business is based on people like you and my first priority is to identify the needs of my customers. I’ll make no secret about it: I’m looking for customers who are looking for healthy water.
Reviews from other customers: Rave Reviews
Be sure to check out my resource library (see link at top of page) where I post news clips and papers of interest as I encounter them. And if you’re not on my email distribution list, I encourage you to sign up below. If you want to stay current with the things I’m learning about water, then sign up for my my blog posts on current issues:https://bestwaterpurificationblog.com
You can post questions on by blog and I’ll try to answer them
I have a FB business page you can LIKE http://www.facebook.com/SweetwaterLLC
or follow me on @SweetwaterLLC
or join me at Linkedin Profile
The opportunities to network are endless these days….
My Commitment
I was raised in the Midwest during the 1950’s and 60’s – very interesting times which have had a lasting impact on who I am. My commitment is to always come from a place of integrity. I will never sell anyone anything they don’t need. I’ll always suggest a lower priced option if it will accomplish your goals. And I am committed to a life of principle in which my role is to make the world a better, healthier place to live one family at a time…
“I slept and dreamt
That life was joy.
I awoke and saw that
Life was service.
I acted and behold,
Service was joy.”
-Rabindranath Tagore
And a reminder to myself not to take more than my share:
The Parable of the Mexican Fisherman
I send occasional emails on water quality and healthy living issues to a select group of individuals. You may join that group here:
“What’s In YOUR Water?”
866-691-4214 (toll-free)
press #1 to reach me directly or leave a message
or 970-259-2171 (direct)
I work from about 9 AM to 5 PM; Mountain Time Monday thru Friday
If you don’t reach me, leave a message and I’ll get back to you shortly.
You may also ask me a question by email: James P McMahon
It is my love of rivers that led me to do this work