When Choosing a Water Purification System or Water Purifier for City Water, you must consider the following:
If you are supplied by public water your water contains chemicals that are used to kill various microorganisms. Chlorine is a poison and when it interacts with organic material in water a number of carcinogenic byproducts produced. These are known as Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic acids. Some cities are switching to chloramine in an attempt to reduce these carcinogenic byproducts. Chloramine, a combination of chlorine and ammonia, is worse than chlorine, in my opinion. It also produces carcinogenic byproducts however these are not yet regulated. If you doubt me, read the articles in my water resource library. Your water may also contain regulated contaminants and a variety of unregulated contaminants that are not removed by public water systems. Hence….your water is contaminated. This is not meant as a criticism of public service agencies. They do their best for you. My point is that you do not receive and cannot expect truly healthy water from public systems.

for city water
designed by ecologist James P McMahon
In order to know which water purification system or under sink water purifier to buy you have to start by looking at your local water quality report. You want to buy the whole house water purification system or kitchen water purifier (or both) that removes the contaminants in your water. Most people make a huge mistake by not doing this. Just buying a filter does not protect you! It has to be the right one for your situation.
Obtain a copy of your city’s annual water quality report, sometimes called a Consumer Confidence Report – here’s how to find it: Water Quality Report – first email me a copy and then call me and we’ll discuss which whole house water treatment system or under sink water filter will achieve healthy water for your family. That is my focus: healthy water for you.
Pick up the phone and call me during the hours of 9 AM – 5 PM Mountain Time, Mon – Fri
866-691-4214 (toll-free)
and we’ll find your water quality report together!
First determine which contaminants are in your water and which type of filtration technology will remove them. I do this by looking at the water report supplied by your local city or water company. You can do it all on your own by buying my Ultimate Guide or signing up for my free Five Steps to Healthy Water email series. Or you can call me.
There are whole house water filtration systems or even whole house reverse osmosis systems. There are simple kitchen water filters or undersink reverse osmosis systems which actually purify your water. Each of these is different and what you need depends on what’s in your water. Together we will look at your water report and determine which water purification system or filter will best meet your needs. I cannot make a recommendation without speaking with you. However, I will gladly email you specifications.
Urban Defender® Whole House Water Filter:
My Urban Defender whole house water filtration system is as effective as systems sold by the major brands that cost four times as much.
To learn more about the Urban Defender please visit my whole house water filtration system page.
Or, you can request pricing and specifications here:
You can combine the Urban Defender with other home water filtration options, such as specific contaminant removal, such as fluoride or arsenic, and Ultra Violet light, for more complete protection from the contaminants in your water supply. There is no better whole house water filtration system for municipal water.
Don’t be fooled by the low cost systems that don’t backwash. They’re junk. You get what you pay for. Ask me why a downflow system with backwash is better than the upflow carbon filters which cost less.
“My Urban Defender whole house water filter has changed my life. I love it!”
Aileen Gee, Falmouth, MA
“…not only is our water clean, fresh and smooth tasting but it even feels better. Beyond the physical attributes supporting the quality of our new water, there exists a real sense of confidence and peace of mind in knowing that the water we consume and absorb in a variety of ways each and every day is pure and healthful. Your recommendation of The Urban Defender whole house water treatment system along with the polishing affect of the triple water filtration Kitchen Defender under sink water filter really seems to fit the bill.”
John Ciulla; Airmont, NY
“The best tasting water I’ve ever had. It’s way better than any bottled water.
Jim has provided impeccable service. His genuine interest in the quality and taste of our water is reassuring. Additionally, Jim has continued to follow through to check on our service needs and has responded quickly to all of our requests. My wife and I give him our very highest recommendation.”
Dan Walden; Corona, CA
Satisfied Customers speak out here: Sweetwater Product Reviews
“We bought a whole house water purification system from Jim and now our water is perfect!”
Beckie Moses, Lilburn, GA
Kitchen Defender™ Water Filter:
There is no better drinking water filter than my Kitchen Defender – effective yet affordable. Learn more about it on my kitchen water filter page.
Or, to request specific product information and pricing request the information here: Kitchen Defender Water Filter
Independent testing showed total removal of chloramine, chlorine byproducts, and fluoride. Other tests have shown only a reduction of fluoride, which depends entirely on local water chemistry.
The Kitchen Defender water filter is also available with UV light and in a commercial version for use in restaurants, hotels, and businesses.
“Dear James, Thank you for your prompt attention and service in my recent purchase of a water filter. I am in the customer service profession, so it is especially nice to work with someone who understands what it means to ‘exceed expectations’. You certainly did that for me. I appreciate the knowledge and help you provided me in my unique water situation and could not be more thrilled with the performance of the unit you had custom built for me. I am looking forward to sending all my friends and clients your way as I truly believe pure drinking water is the #1 foundation for good health. Warmest regards,”
Meredith Martin; San Francisco, CA
“I just had my Kitchen Defender under sink water filter installed. It’s FANTASTIC! After flushing the system for a good 20+ minutes I am excited to say I LOVE THIS WATER. It is hard to believe that the nasty county water was transformable into such great tasting water. I did a lot of research on choosing the proper water system for my home and really appreciate your approach. It makes sense to buy a system that targets the specific problems of my water rather than a generic system. Thank you for all of your help and fantastic customer service.”
Pam Velez, Tampa, FL
Just a note to let you know we got the new carbon filter for our Kitchen Defender. We already had the calcite replacement and I installed them both today with no problems. You had asked about the Ph of the water. I tested it before the replacement and it measured at 6.8. After it tested at 7.6 which is the highest the test kit I have can measure. The water now tastes great again. Thanks.
Duane Orlaske, Windsor, CT
I’ve been meaning to write and let you know that the water tastes great! The difference in the water is just amazing! We are so happy with the Kitchen Defender under sink water filter, and showers are awesome without feeling like you’re in an indoor swimming pool (with the chlorine smell, I mean). Thanks again for all your help! Best wishes,
Monica Ely, Lafayette, CO
Sweetwater's Custom Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier:
I sell a 6 stage custom Reverse Osmosis water purifier that I recommend for removing nitrates, removal of some metals including chromium 6, fluoride, arsenic, radioactive metals, high dissolved solids (aka TDS) and unregulated pharmaceuticals in drinking water.
You may learn more about it on my reverse osmosis water purifier page.
Many people object to the use of reverse osmosis because it removes the natural minerals in water along with the contaminants. I invite you to read my article: ‘Minerals In Water‘ to learn why you may need a reverse osmosis system. Really, you have to remove these contaminants and the minerals can be replaced through diet.
“Before getting a whole house water treatment system from Jim, I used a pitcher water filter and would occasionally drink tap water. With my new RO water purifier from Sweetwater, I fill bottles to carry with me wherever I go and LOVE the water! I’m HOOKED on pure clean water and my body can feel the difference!”
Stephen Pierce, Monmouth, OR
“Jim -we did the “water test” and it was a no-contest winner for the RO water! The Urban Defender whole house water filter does a good job but the RO water purifier takes it up another notch to truly, bottled water quality, or should I say better than bottled water?”
Craig Umphrey, Terre Haute, IN
In some cities a whole house water treatment system is all you need. In others, the contaminants in your water require that you have both a whole house water filter and a under sink water filter or water purifier. If you must prioritize for budget reasons, then I suggest you start with the kitchen under sink filter. Learn more by emailing me for this short discussion:
Do you need a Kitchen Water Purifier or Whole House Water Filter or both?
Equipment for Specific Issues
For people who have a specific home water filtration problem they wish to solve, I provide a full line of high quality water treatment systems to remove iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide odors, neutralize acid water by raising pH, Ultra Violet light for bacterial contamination, arsenic, mercury, nitrate, fluoride or other specific contaminant removal.
You can learn more about many of these water treatment systems on my well water treatment page. I also have a wide variety of water filtration, sediment filters and water softeners.
If you’re thinking of buying a water softener, email me for a tip on how to buy the right softener for your needs: How to buy the right water softener or call me and I’ll sell you the right one.
The systems I sell uses natural methods to remove specific contaminants. Call me for product details, specifications, and cost. In order to help you with these products we must be able to discuss the details of your water quality. If you have a well, see my well water treatment page. If you have a special water filtration problem, call me to discuss your needs. I also have extensive technical support backing me up so we can be sure to provide you with the whole hose water treatment system that will meet your needs.
'Revitalized' Water
For those clients who are interested in a holistic approach and the concept of revitalized or restructured water, I carry the Water Revitalizer. I use this product in my home. The concept behind its design is based on the theories of Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian whose work was published in 1932 and 1933. His theories maintain that water holds an energy in its natural state. If you’ve ever sat and watched the water in a stream, perhaps you’ll agree…the water swirls and turns, always shifting in a circular motion. Schauberger suggests that this natural flow form is eliminated by putting water in pipes and treatment with chemicals such as chlorine. Water with this natural energy is thought by some to be more healthy.
Reading Your Water Report
OK, so I’ve told you to obtain your water report and perhaps you’ve done so and you have no idea what it means. You’re welcome to call for my free 20 minute phone consultation to figure out what to do. Or, if you plan to purchase equipment from someone else but want my opinion of what to buy, you can pay my consultation fee of $150 for a city water report. (Purchase it here: Water Consultation) and we’ll make sure you buy the right system. And for those who want a third option you can listen to a recorded call of me interpreting the Durham, NC water report for a customer here: Reading Your Water Report
NOTE: You are most welcome to email a copy of your water report to me. Be sure to follow up with a phone call so that we may review it together. I will gladly go over it and tell you which whole house water treatment system or under sink water filter I recommend specifically and what they cost. I do not analyze water reports by email as I need additional information from you in order to make a recommendation.
You can email your report to me at
Installation and Service
I work with clients across the country. I represent a variety of manufacturers and assemble custom water treatment systems when appropriate. We’ll look at your water report and determine what you need. I won’t sell you the wrong product. A licensed plumber can install the equipment I sell. I recommend that you work consistently with one plumber and use that person for all your system maintenance. If there is ever a problem with any of the home water treatment system that I sell you, call me first, then I’ll work with that plumber and you to resolve it, taking advantage of the manufacturer warranties. This is precisely the same approach that you would use to deal with a water heater or any other fixture in your home.
I provide phone support during installation. I will make myself available to assist you and your plumber and I am most certainly interested and available to aid you should any equipment problems develop in the future. The equipment I sell is intentionally straightforward and not inclined toward operational failure.
Perhaps the number one reason people choose to do business with me is because of my approach. I sell high quality effective water treatment systems to people who want healthy water for their family. Sometimes people still feel that dealing with someone locally can provide them with better product support. It has been my experience that your local provider will often sell you the wrong product for your needs and service will be by someone who knows nothing about the home water filtration system you bought. To think that a local provider is a better choice is truly an illusion. It might have been true at some time in the past, but not anymore. If you find a local person who can provide an equal product and service, use him.
“I am 100% satisfied with your service. A local person would not have done as much. I have to admit that I was concerned, ordering from a person online, giving you my credit card, that the product would show up at all. When it did I could see that the construction of the product is good. The aluminum housing is strong and durable, the UV cylinder is stainless steel, the plastic is schedule 80…this unit will last for a long time. I’m pleased all the way around”
Joe Provenzano, Chalmette, LA
Call me and we’ll review your water report and determine what you need. I don’t charge for this.
I do charge if you want to call up and use me to provide a second opinion (like going to a second doctor before surgery). I provide a one time consultation by phone for $150. You may find this extremely useful when you are reviewing equipment proposals from local companies. You may ask me questions about your water and if I can help you or direct you to an answer I will.
If you then purchase your whole house water treatment system from me I will deduct this fee from your purchase price. You may purchase a consultation here:
Purchase the consultation and then call or email me to set up an appointment.
I am also available to solve problems or design water treatment systems for you on a consulting basis. This might be appropriate in the case of problematic water supplies or commercial applications. My fee is $150 per hour with a four hour minimum. This is more typical with private well water or unique commercial appliactions. Call if you’d like to discuss this.
“Jim shows a remarkable interest in improving our water – anybody’s water.
He researched my water filtration problem through his own and outside resources and helped me determine what was wrong with my water and what was needed to improve the quality.
Thanks for your help, Jim “
Mary Leathers; Pine Grove, CA
To Purchase:
All sales are by phone. I maintain personal contact with every customer. That way I can be certain that you are ordering the correct product. If you want to buy something online, you’ve come to the wrong place.
The water treatment systems I sell provide the most thorough level of contaminant removal available, using proven technologies. Whatever your situation: appropriately filtered, clean, healthy water is available to you for just pennies a day. You may obtain complete information on pricing and specifications for each of the systems above by emailing me using the appropriate link above.
Recommendations by Location:
Now with streamlined recommendations in select locations: Learn exactly what to order:
Still confused about how to start. Email me and ask: Question between 9 AM to 6 PM Mountain time, Monday thru Friday: 866-691-4214.
Email Lists
Five Steps to Healthy Water – my free email series that will teach you how to achieve healthy water in your home. These are the same steps you learn when you purchase my Ultimate Guide. Sign up here: Five Steps to Healthy Water!
Or you may also wish to join my Water for Life email list. I send occasional emails about water quality issues, breaking news stories, healthy water, or product updates to individuals who join this list. I’ll also let you know when I’m out of town for extended periods so you can buy filters before I leave or after I return.
My Ultimate Guide
I wrote The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Perfect Water Treatment System to aid people in identifying the contaminants in their water and the treatments to remove them.
The guide sells for $14.95 and you may purchase it here:
Purchase my Ultimate Guide
I have a blog where I answer questions posed by clients here:
Five Steps to Healthy Water
“Don’t be the best in the world at what you do; be the only one in the world who does what you do.”
~ Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead
“I appreciate your knowledge and passion for what you do and believe in. You analyzed my problem and found a solution. You have gone above and beyond what most companies today provide in customer service. And, all with a smile and can do attitude. You’re the greatest!…”
Francine Hughes; Kayenta, UT
What's in YOUR Water?
My name is Jim McMahon and I help people achieve healthy water in their homes.
Let me help you solve the water filtration issues in your home.
When you call, you’ll reach me directly. Together we will solve the water problems in your home.
866-691-4214 (toll-free)
Monday – Friday
Try between 9 AM – 5 PM Mountain Time
I take weekends off
My Pledge to You:
“Honesty and Integrity in providing what you need, along with good old-fashioned service and values.”
Helpful Links:
My blog – learn lots about various water issues
Natural Cleaning Tips – FREE tips for healthy living in your home
Sweetwater’s Water Resource Library a GREAT place to find recent headlines, papers, press releases, and tools for healthy living
Healthy Links– People or products I like or use myself
My biography – Learn more about me
The Parable of the Mexican Fisherman – A reminder about what’s important
It is my love of rivers that led me to do this work
Contact Jim
- 866-691-4214
- 970-259-2171
- Mon - Fri, 9 - 5, Mountain Time
- Monday - Friday
- jim@cleanairpurewater.com
Follow us
Well Water Systems Well water purification systems and well water tests to meet YOUR needs
Kitchen Defender the very best water filter to remove chloramine and fluoride
Urban Defender® The most effective whole house water filter
Air Purifier. The air purifier uses ions
to remove particles from indoor air
Free E-Course
Five Steps to Healthy Water
Are you looking for a home water purification system or a kitchen water filter and wondering how to find your way through all the hype?
Avoid the Mistake Most People Make
Learn how to buy the correct water purification system or water filter.
I Guarantee It! (I hate spam too and I DO NOT sell or rent your email)
Great Tasting Healthy
If you're ready to have great tasting, healthy water here's what to do:
Obtain a copy of your city's annual water quality report (also known as a Consumer Confidence Report)
Here's how to find it:
Finding Your
Water Quality Report
or call me and we'll find it together online and discuss how to achieve healthy water for your family.
I provide the home water purification systems, water filter, water purifier, or well water filter system that will meet your needs.
if you’d like to resolve your water purification issues all on your own and still be sure you’re making the right choice, you can….
Purchase My
Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Perfect Water Treatment System for just $14.95
Product Reviews
Dear Jim, you make me realize in a special way how our happiness depends on direct human relationships, with nothing standing in the way between full and honest communication of what knowledge each of us has. Bless your enterprise.
Russell DuPree
Freeport, MaineI decided to purchase the Urban Defender for whole-house filtering and a reverse osmosis unit for drinking water (I live in Los Angeles).
It is hard to explain the sense of satisfaction and safety I feel knowing that the water I bathe in and drink is healthy.
Senta Edesa
Los AngelesI couldn’t stand the smell of cooking odors in my home. Now, within 15 minutes of cooking, the odors are gone. Also, I have always had allergies. They’re not bothering me anymore either. I love this machine. It works. It’s worth every penny. I like it so much…..
Pat O'Hara
Los AngelesThe iron system is fine; our water is clean and the toilets aren’t stained. My bride is happy! As a matter of fact, the system seems to have had a softening effect on our water – a fringe benefit we hadn’t expected but are happy to have.