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Sweetwater, LLC

Ultraviolet Light Systems



Do You Have Bacteria In Water?


I can kill the bacteria and protozoa in your water

and remove their little dead carcasses as well!

Sweetwater's Whole House UV Light

I provide the highest quality Ultra Violet light systems. You can be assured of a 99.99% kill rate of all living organisms in your water.


I can provide you with a ultraviolet light system and filter or I have several complete water treatment systems that include ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, protozoa (cryptosporidium and giardia), and viruses. This includes whole house and Kitchen Defender™ ultraviolet light systems, depending upon your particular needs.


To inquire about my whole house ultraviolet light, email me here: Whole House UV Light.


To inquire about my kitchen systems you will want to ask about my Kitchen Defender.


You may also call me for pricing and specifications on an ultraviolet light system that will meet your needs. Besides the presence of bacteria it is important to have an understanding of the other characteristics of your water. Ultraviolet light systems will only work within certain parameters relative to hardness, turbidity, and other water quality characteristics - so you may need additional treatment. If you'd like to discuss your needs in order to decide which system or components will best serve you, feel free to call me.


You may learn more about my complete line of water purification products and services here:


Water Products, Water Tests, and Services


There are now several bacteria that can be dangerous that most health departments are not yet routinely testing for.




"What's In YOUR Water?"



James P McMahonEcologist

I provide the finest ultra violet light water sanitizing systems available



Sweetwater, LLC


Sweetwater LLC Water Purification Systems

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(C) 2007




Sweetwater, LLC 375 Cedar Tree Drive, Brookside, UT 84782


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