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Fluoride in Water Affects the Thyroid Gland

A comprehensive study shows fluoride in water affects the thyroid gland. That study recommends a water filter designed to remove fluoride for those with hypothyroidism.

The addition of fluoride to drinking water is extremely controversial with some people. Dentists typically argue for it as a dental cavity preventative. I personally wonder why anyone is adding anything to my water that I did not specifically ask for.

Here is a series of 3 study summaries that discuss fluoride and its impact on the thyroid. If you want greater detail there is information about that on each link. (be sure to visit Sweetwater's blog for many more articles on this and other dangers in water: Sweetwater's Blog)

PFAS in Drinking Water

What are PFAS and why are they in the news? PFAS in drinking water pose serious long term health problems. Yet they are just now being discovered in water systems throughout the US. PFAS are just one of a group of chemical compounds causing grave health concerns. Low exposure to some PFAS chemicals has been linked to cancer, thyroid issues, and weakening childhood immunity.

Various forms of PFAs are present in rain throughout the planet which means they are now in everyone's drinking water.

"Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS and GenX chemicals. Since the 1940s, PFAS have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries around the globe, including in the United States." – USEPA

There are over 9000 different variations of PFA compounds. And, it turns out that EPA has been using a test to identify their presence that only identifies about 30 of those. So PFAs are much more prevalent than anyone, even the regulators, had imaginged. Sampling in a number of communities have shown widespread contamination that was previously unknown.

Round Up Linked to Breast Cancer

Exposure to Round Up has been linked to breast cancer in a new study.

Showering in water containing Round Up will expose your breasts to the pesticide. Round Up, aka Glyphosphate, can be present in your water.

If your water source is groundwater because you live in an area where there is farming your well can contain Round Up. Or, if your water source is a river or lake and there is farming upstream of where you live it may also contain this and other pesticides. Glyphosphate is only one of numerous pesticides in use by farmers that may be in your water.

Previous studies have linked Round Up to other types of cancer. This study provides a link to breast cancer.  Here’s an excerpt from the study published in ‘frontiers in genetics’.

How Much Water To Drink Every Day

People often wonder how much water to drink everyday

The issue of hydration is confusing at best


As I work at my desk I sip water but I don’t keep track of how much

First, I never drink unfiltered tap water. I most often drink filtered tap water. I prefer it to bottled water, although the quality of your water depends on where you live.

I’m sure you’ve read that you’re supposed to drink 8 glasses of water every day. I think that’s pretty arbitrary. The amount of water you need can very with your activity level, how hot it is outside, and whether it is humid or dry. 

If you’re thirsty have a drink.

Here’s an interesting article that talks about hydration and drinking water throughout the day.

The bigger problem I wonder about is what else I can drink when I’m feeling the need for some electrolytes or sugar. For a short time I added a couple glasses of fruit juice in the evening. My blood sugar and cholesterol skyrocketed. So it’s back to sipping filtered tap water for me. 

Lessons from the Chemical Spill in West Virginia

The chemical spill in West Virginia this month affected the water of 300,000 people and included an interesting lesson. The chemical is 4-methylcyclohexanemthanol and no one knew at first how to remove it from water. The first assumption was that it was a volatile organic compound but carbon filters failed to remove it. Venting also would not work.

Here’s what is known about it:

Because it is a hydrocarbon, I recommend a hydrocarbon filter to remove it. These are generally used to remove low levels of oil or gasoline that have found their way into private well water.

The Danger of Drinking Water from Reverse Osmosis Systems

Every day people ask me: Is reverse osmosis water unhealthy?

I’ve written this short article to answer your questions. The entire premise of my work is that you cannot know what water filter or water purification system to use without first knowing what contaminants are present in your water. It is the contaminants and the technology required to remove them that determine what water filter you need. Period.

Some contaminants can only be removed by the technology of reverse osmosis. These include high total dissolved solids, nitrates, radioactive metals, and many other metals. Drinking water containing these contaminants is dangerous to your health and longevity.

When I recommend reverse osmosis because of these contaminants people inevitably ask me the following:

“But I hear that reverse osmosis strips the water of everything, including healthy minerals…”

Dispelling the myth of spring water

The myth that spring water is healthy is not true

The myth that spring water is healthy is not true. Spring water may be great or extremely unhealthy. That all depends on what’s in it. A huge number of people have been led to believe that spring water contains the perfect blend of minerals within a matrix of clean water. I talk to people every day who hold this belief. This simply is not true. These people search ‘find a spring’ to provide healthy drinking water.

Water that emerges from a spring will reflect the land from which it comes. When water resides underground it picks up natural minerals as well as any naturally occurring metals and contaminants, some of which can cause serious harm. Pollution from human sources may also be present. But simply finding a spring far away from human influence is no guarantee that the water will be healthy to drink.

Let me provide you some examples:


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