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Traces of cocaine found in the Thames River

And a River Near You


So much cocaine is being used in London that 2 kilos per day of the white powdered narcotic can be detected in the River Thames

I have included this article not because any of you live in London but to illustrate the point even more dramatically of the extent to which we have polluted the water resources that we rely upon to drink. This is only one example.

Just imagine if you live in Southern California and your water source is the Colorado River. That includes sewage from Las Vegas. What do you think is in that?

November 07 2005 at 12:26AM AFP


London - So much cocaine is being used in London that traces of the white powdered narcotic can be detected in the River Thames, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper said. Citing scientific research which it had commissioned, it said an estimated two kilograms of cocaine, or 80 000 lines, spill into the river every day after it has passed through users' bodies and sewage treatment plants. It extrapolated that 150 000 lines of the illegal drug are snorted in the British capital every day, or 15 times higher than the official figure given by the Home Office. "Because of the long-term complications of cocaine use, we are looking at a healthcare time bomb," clinical toxicologist John Henry was quoted as saying.

'We are looking at a healthcare time bomb'

Cocaine use has been in the headlines in Britain after fuzzy images of supermodel Kate Moss apparently enjoying some lines in a London recording studio were published in a tabloid newspaper. She soon went into detox after losing some of her most lucrative contracts, but is already making a comeback, appearing Sunday on the front page of several newspapers - including the Sunday Telegraph.


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James P McMahonEcologist

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