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Whole House Water Purification Systems

One of the most important decisions you can make about your water is which purification system you intend to use.  If you've read my Guide then you know that your treatment decision should be based upon knowing what is in your water as well as your personal goals.  If you want healthy water throughout the house then I urge you to consider my seven stage purification system.  It is unsurpassed in the quality of the water it produces.  If you have any doubts, just take a look at a few of the testimonials from my customers: Testimonials

I've added a second system for those who want to achieve some protection from contaminants but for whom price has to be a major concern. 

Click on the appropriate link below to send me an email requesting pricing and specifications:

Seven Stage Whole House Water Purification System - I recommend this system for anyone on a ppublic water system who wishes to achieve a high level of protection.  These seven stages do an awesome job of transforming your water.

Two Stage KDF/Carbon Whole House Water Purification System - I recommend this system for those who wissh to remove the chlorine and chlorine byproducts added by most public systems.  This will remove an array of other contaminants as well and provides a dramatic improvement in taste and reduction in contaminants at an affordable price.


If you are on a private well or have a particular need that is not addressed by the units listed above, you can email or call me and ask about the equipment that can solve your issues and meet your goals.  I carry a broad selection of equipment.

My name is Jim McMahon and I help people achieve healthy water in their homes. 

Or, if you’d like to contact me directly with questions about your

specific water issues, you may order a 30 minute consultation for $75 here:

Water Consultation

  I work with individuals and businesses from across the country and internationally.

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James P. McMahonSweetwater, LLC

866-691-4214 (toll-free)



Sweetwater, LLC

'When you drink the water, think of the spring.'

375 Cedar Tree Drive

Brookside, Utah 84782




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