Houston and Dallas

Would You like great tasting healthy drinking water?

Buy from the ecologist who provides the water filtration systems for Dallas and Houston and surrounding cities bases on your water quality. Houston water filter. Dallas water filter.


Mon - Fri, 9 - 5, Mountain Time

Providing Home Water Filtration Systems

for the Health Conscious Water Consumer

In Dallas and Houston I recommend reverse osmosis for drinking and the Urban Defender whole house water filter.

Reverse Osmosis water filter for Dallas and Houston water
Urban Defender Whole House Water Filter for Dallas and Houston
Super Size Urban Defender Whole House Water Filter


Sweetwater Product Reviews

I recommend water filtration systems for Houston and Dallas water filters based on the quality or your water sources.

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    Home Water Filtration Systems

    My name is Jim McMahon, a professional ecologist of some accomplishment. What is an ecologist, you might ask. Well, it’s a person who has studied the natural function of our planet’s life support systems; her rivers and forests, the ecosystems that support all living things. I launched my company, Sweetwater LLC, in September 2002 after an extensive search for a business that I could operate from home. I live in Durango Colorado where I look out on a forest of ponderosa pines while speaking with you on the phone. I was tired of the constant strife of the activist role and sought a way to continue to help people but with a greater focus on individuals. I chose water because I’d studied rivers in college and professionally and could build on my knowledge and experience. I provide home water filtration systems and consulting services to people seeking a healthy lifestyle or just trying to solve a water problem. Houston and Dallas water filter – call now!

    James P. McMahon

    Call Now to Order: 1-866-691-4214
    Hours 10 AM – 6 PM Central time; M-F