Do You Have Iron in Your Well Water?
This page describes the filter I use to remove iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide from well water.
Sweetwater’s AIO3 Iron Filter for Well Water will Remove Iron, Manganese, Hydrogen Sulfide Odors
Call me before you use any chemical treatments to remove iron from well water!
My iron filters use all natural processes to remove iron from well water and also remove manganese, and hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odors). In order to correctly prescribe the iron water filter, I will need to know how much iron is in your water as well as several other factors that affect the water treatment chemistry. If you have iron in water but don’t know how much, we’ll use a water test to determine the levels of iron in water and then use my all-natural iron filter for well water to remove iron from water.
Well filtration system for iron, manganese, tannin, hardness and coliform bacteria
Iron in water is often accompanied by manganese, low pH (see my acid neutralizer page), and hydrogen sulfide odors. I try not to use chemicals to remove iron from well water. My natural iron filter for well water system relies on ozone to oxidize the iron into rust and then a backwashing filter that will raise pH and remove the oxidized iron and remove manganese up to two ppm. The filter media consists entirely of natural materials. The system pictured above uses chlorine to oxidize iron and manganese and to kill coliform bacteria. That’s followed by a backwashing filter to remove those oxidized contaminants and then a water softener for hardness and tannin removal.
You may request my product specifications and pricing here: Send information on your AIO iron system.
Pricing: 2 cu ft. AIO3 Water Filter for Iron: $2471. plus shipping
This is the base system and additional treatment may be required (as pictured above) depending on the severity of your problem or if you have severe levels of hydrogen sulfide odors.
The advanced AIO3 iron filter uses ozone to oxidize the contaminants and a katalox media to filter out the oxidiized solids. If you’d like to remove iron from water, be sure to inquire about the natural methods used by my iron water filter to remove iron from well water.
It’s best if you can email your well water test and then follow up with a phone call. If you don’t have a water test, I can provide those here.
I provide the finest water purification systems available
You may learn more about my water purification products and services, including water tests, here:
Water Products, Water Tests, and Services
Contact Jim
- 866-691-4214
- 970-259-2171
- Mon - Fri, 9 - 5, Mountain Time
- Monday - Friday
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Finding Your
Water Quality Report
or call me and we'll find it together online and discuss how to achieve healthy water for your family.
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Product Reviews
Dear Jim, you make me realize in a special way how our happiness depends on direct human relationships, with nothing standing in the way between full and honest communication of what knowledge each of us has. Bless your enterprise.
Russell DuPree
Freeport, MaineI decided to purchase the Urban Defender for whole-house filtering and a reverse osmosis unit for drinking water (I live in Los Angeles).
It is hard to explain the sense of satisfaction and safety I feel knowing that the water I bathe in and drink is healthy.
Senta Edesa
Los AngelesI couldn’t stand the smell of cooking odors in my home. Now, within 15 minutes of cooking, the odors are gone. Also, I have always had allergies. They’re not bothering me anymore either. I love this machine. It works. It’s worth every penny. I like it so much…..
Pat O'Hara
Los AngelesThe iron system is fine; our water is clean and the toilets aren’t stained. My bride is happy! As a matter of fact, the system seems to have had a softening effect on our water – a fringe benefit we hadn’t expected but are happy to have.