Structured Water
The Structure of Water
In ice, each water molecule is surrounding by 4 other molecules in a tetrahedral arrangement (left). The new result on liquid water shows that the molecules are connected only with 2 others. This implies that most molecules are arranged in strongly hydrogen bonded rings (middle) or chains (right) embedded in a disordered cluster network connected mainly by weak hydrogen bonds. The oxygen atoms are red and the hydrogen atoms grey in the water (H2O) molecules. Source: Standford University (see below)
Recent advances in research on water will eventually provide answers on the concept of 'structured' water.
For one, does structured water (as sold in bottle water form or as a result of devices on water treatment equipment) even exist? There are indications in this Standford University study that the hydrogen bonds connecting water molecules can be affected, whether by treatment or by the container in which they reside. This was not a study that focused on ways to modify water, however. It's purpose was to look at water in its natural states.
From the March 10, 2006 Wall Street Journal:
'In a new paper, William Tiller, former chairman of materials science at Stanford, and colleagues argue that "water can indeed have its properties and hence its structure changed rather easily." From their review of more than 100 studies, they conclude that water is "a 'zoo' of mixed sizes of molecules," suggesting "a potential relevance to homeopathy."
"People have ignored the possibility that liquid water can have multiple structures," says Rustum Roy, a materials scientist at Pennsylvania State University and co-author of the paper in Materials Research Innovations. " But there is good evidence for nanostructures." As Prof. Galli suggests, "In a tube measuring one to two nanometers, holding 60 to 80 water molecules, interactions with the wall of the tube might change water's structure."'
Is structured water the same as 'Living Water'? Does water have more or less energy depending on how it's been handled? We see constant motion in the water of a stream. Yet that motion is stifled when water is diverted into drinking water systems and told to flow in a straight line, constricted within a pipe.
There are many claims made by various people but the only actual evidence I have seen is in the link below.
I provide for you the link to more information with the caution that this article is very hard to understand because of the scientific jargon. And I wanted you to know that I'll be following advances in this field very closely.
The Structure of the First Coordination Shell in Water (
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