This page is intended to help you find and understand your city’s water quality report, also known as your Consumer Confidence Report.
If you don’t look at your water quality report before you buy a water filter then you’re going to buy the wrong filter
My Free Offer *
Call me and we’ll review your consumer confidence report together
Mon – Fri; 9 AM – 5 PM, Mountain Time
NOTE: You are most welcome to email a copy of your water quality report to me. Be sure to follow up with a phone call so that we may review it together. Or we’ll find it online. I will gladly go over it and tell you what products I recommend specifically and what they cost. I do not respond to water reports sent by email unless you call as I need additional information from you in order to make a recommendation. This offer is only for people who do not already own water treatment equipment.
To find your water quality report go to google and enter the city you live in followed by the words ‘water quality report’. It may also be called the ‘consumer confidence report’. I’ve provided an example below. That should take you to a search page that contains the report. If not, then search for the city itself and look for the water department. If you pay someone other than your city for your water then enter those search terms instead, for instance ‘United Water, NJ’ for United Water of New Jersey. Community water systems are required by the US Environmental Protection Agency to provide these reports annually. In the example below there is a recording of my review of a water report with a customer who lives in Durham.
As an example, I’ve provided the page with the consumer confidence report from the City of Durham, NC. If you find the current report, you can click on that link you’ll be able to read Durham’s water quality report.
City of Durham, NC Water Quality Report
Along with it, I have recorded my review of this report for Howie Jacobson, a customer. If you open that city’s report and listen to the recording below you can follow along and learn something about how to read your own water report.
Understanding Durham’s Water Quality Report
The audio is an mp3 file that will open in your audio player. I’d suggest you first open the water quality report and glance at it, then click on the audio file and try to follow my comments and Howie’s questions as we go through the report. The audio is about 40 minutes long so grab a glass of water and listen.
As you go through the report you’ll see a column titled: MCL. MCL means Maximum Contaminant Level. Here’s what that means:
USEPA and Maximum Contaminant Levels
Here’s a National Geographic article that briefly mentions that there are chemicals and pathogens in water that are not listed in your water report. That’s why calling me is a better option than going it on your own. I read the fine print in the Consumer Confidence Report and I also know what’s not regulated and therefore not included.
If you’d like further assistance but don’t want to call me, then check out my FREE Five Steps to Healthy Water.
* offer is free to people who do not already own water filtration equipment. If you’re looking for a second opinion on something you’ve already purchased I charge for that consulation.
“After my daughter at five years old was diagnosed with brain cancer, I frantically searched for contributing factors. It was when my water was tested and shown to have significantly higher toxins than what is suggested for health that I called Jim. I had heard of Sweetwater recommend from a clean living advocate online. Jim reviewed my water report with me in order to customize a plan of action that was both affordable and would give us the cleanest water possible.. To this day I trust only our water and our ice cubes show an incredible difference! Thanks Jim and Sweetwater for helping us live healthy!”
– Joshua Boyer, Waterloo, IL
What's in YOUR Water?
Once you find out, you can fix it
My name is Jim McMahon and I help people acheive healthy water in their homes
James P McMahon
“I can help you achieve healthy water in your home.”