Well Water Testing and Well Water Test Kits
If your water source is well water, then you must test your water to learn what’s in it before purchasing any well water filtration system. Don’t buy any well filtration system from anyone without testing your well water first. If you don’t test first, you’re just guessing.
I provide a variety of well water test kits. The benefit of buying from me is that I will interpret the results for you. You can then purchase equipment from me or from someone else, but you’ll know what to buy. If you already have a thorough water test you can email it to me and then call. I won’t look at it until you call as I need more information than what is provided in the test results.
You can also test your water using one of my drinking water test kits if you have a public source but it’s really not necessary and may be misleading. I’ve had plumbers suggest to their customers that they don’t need to buy equipment. They provided a cheap test that showed no contaminants in the water. You cannot buy the test you need at a hardware store!
I offer two standard test kits and can provide you with custom tests upon request. You do not need all of the tests I offer below. To learn what I recommend, call me. We’ll discuss what is wrong with your well water and I will sell you the well water test or well water test kits that address the issues with your water.
I collaborate with National Testing Labs (note: I prefer their test kits to any other lab anywhere) to provide you with the following:
Watercheck – the Watercheck includes 83 items including: presence or absence of 2 bacteria (coliform and E. coli), 19 heavy metals and minerals, 6 inorganic chemicals, 5 physical characteristics, 4 trihalomethanes, and 47 volatile organic chemicals. The cost is $185.00 plus return shipping.
You may view a list of the physical characteristics and contaminants tested for in the Watercheck, here: Sample Watercheck
The majority of my customers use a Watercheck or Watercheck plus dissolved iron and tannin. (if color or staining other than hardness are present)
Watercheck with Pesticides– this test adds 20 additional pesticides, herbicides, and PCBs to the Watercheck above. The cost is $225. Testing for pesticides can be misleading. We can talk about that when you call. If you’re near or surrounded by farmland you do have pesticides in your water. I often use the presence of nitrates (in the Watercheck) as an indicator of pesticides. You should be aware that the presence of pesticides will be seasonal and corresponds with nearby farming or lawn maintenance.
Add Glyphosphate (aka Roundup): $290. in addition to the cost of the Watercheck.
Note: With either Watercheck test there will be an additional cost (which varies due to your location) to return the samples to the lab by Fed Ex overnight.
Iron or Color Problems – I recommend adding two parameters to either Watercheck if one of your concerns includes iron or rust in your water. These include dissolved iron and tannin. These will provide us a more thorough understanding of the extent of iron to be treated and the necessary methodology. Iron is treated one way, tannin another way, and if you have both then we need to use a third method. The cost is $50 for each of these.
Radon – a water testing kit for radon is available for $50.
Home water testing kits for bacteria other than Coliform and e. Coli is $420. This identifies a variety of bacteria by species.
Microbiological water test – for bacteria, yeast, and mold is $510.
Parasite test – 18 parasites including giardia and cryptosporidium is $650.
Semi-Volatile Organics – 81 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds including phenols, hydrocarbons, and phthalates: $390.
You call me to order any test and/or to discuss what test you need.
Other Well Water Tests:
Custom Water Tests – I can provide custom tests for lead, pH and iron, radon, beryllium, gross alpha & beta emitters and even pharmaceuticals and hormones. Or I can provide a baseline test for fracking compounds. If you have a particular need, call to discuss it.
Hydrogen Sulfide – People with strong rotten egg odors must first determine the level of the odor using this test in order to determine which treatment will work. Hydrogen sulfide has now been determined by EPA to be dangerous to your health. These tests are conducted using a water test on site. Cost is $35.
When you purchase a well water test kit from me you also receive a consultation at no additional charge. We can then review the results together and discuss your treatment options.
Here’s one way to think about water testing kits and whether you need one or not:
Well Water
If you’re water source is well water you need a well water test in order to determine the appropriate water filtration system. Your water may be great or may have specific problems that we must deal with. There’s no way to know without testing. It’s impossible for me to provide equipment cost information or treatment options without a well water test. If you have a test already, that’s fine. Call me with the test results in front of you. Or better yet, email it to me and then call. I won’t look at them until you call.
Public Water Supply
Public Water systems are heavily regulated by EPA. As I indicate elsewhere, that does not mean you have good water. It does mean that you can find the regulated items listed somewhere online or in print from your water company. If you use public water, you don’t need a water test but you do need to filter or purify it because it does contain poisons. You can purchase a water test from me but you can also see what’s in your water by obtaining the water report published annually by your water provider. See my Water Purification Library for absolute verification of this statement that public water is both contaminated and unhealthy. See my Ultimate Guide for a more complete discussion of that topic.
To order any one of my well water test kits, call: 866-691-4214 (toll-free). Press 1 to reach me.
Five Steps to Pure Water – my free email series that will teach you how to achieve healthy water in your home. These are the same steps you learn when you purchase my Ultimate Guide. Sign up here: Five Steps to Pure Water!
Learn about my well water systems here: Well Water Filtration Systems
Learn about a study I launched to identify the cause of aging trees in Zion National Park